Jul 20Liked by sarah cucchiara

omg not me tearing up. what a tender and heartfelt piece. female friendships are so special and tender and it's a blessing we get to experience them. this essay made me want to text my best friend too

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AW thank you so much 💓

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Jul 20Liked by sarah cucchiara

Exactly this post made me think of the first time I met my bestie and it’s also in 2019 in college so glad I met her 🤍

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Jul 20Liked by sarah cucchiara

you have such a tenderness and so much love inside your heart and i love how you can put that into your words, being just the sweetest person in the world is definitely your digital footprint. Although we don’t know each other personally, i definitely feel that coming from you and i’m reminded of how lucky i am to have met you here every time you post. Wishing you and sofia the best things because if you guys have such a bond, it’s because she definitely is another sweetheart!!!! Love you so much!!! 🩷🥹✨💌🫶🏻

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amanda i’m so grateful to know you through here 🥹 you are such a beautiful writer and person and i truly adore you 💓🫶🏻🌟

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love you so so so much!!!! ✨💌🥹🫶🏻🩷💍

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Jul 22Liked by sarah cucchiara

as someone who is starting uni this sept and is deathly nervous about making friends, this means so much to me<3

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i'm so glad this found you! i hope you have a beautiful time and find those life-changing connections 🫶💘🧚‍♀️

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Jul 20Liked by sarah cucchiara

i have a sophia too. she is not my BFF, she is my platonic wife.

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i love that!

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Jul 23Liked by sarah cucchiara

This was beautiful, Sarah! Brb texting my bestie

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AW Liv, thank you so much <3 tell your bestie how much you love them!!!

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Jul 22Liked by sarah cucchiara

love this so much, female friendship is the most beautiful and important thing!!

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thank you madeline 💓

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Jul 21Liked by sarah cucchiara

hihi wld love ur feedback on my latest post also i loveee ur writing style so enjoyable 🩷

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thank you! i'll check it out!

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this is a bit unrelated, but it’s so cool to have come across another DMV writer!

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AW YAY!! i love my dmv baes 🫂

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im reading this article like a mont after you published it, but this made me so too happy.

my bestfriend is the friend of a friend and in our last year of high school we became best friends and im so lucky to have her in my life. we clicked really fast and trauma-dumped in each other (lmao) at just few days of being at the same classroom. but now, in this summer I left Mexico and I came to the states, but even with that, I feel that our friendship is stronger than ever, we talk almost everyday and in those days that we don't talk were always sending each other tiktoks lmao.

we're in different countries, but I feel her closer than ever.

now im kinda scared about founding new friends (im starting college until next year) and this article make me feel in peace after long minutes of anxiety and overthinking about if im going to make friends it a city that, even that I feel very familiar bc I spend a lot of my time coming here since I was a child, im not going to find "my people".

female friendship is such a amazing thing that I feel so grateful to experience it in my life.

pd.sorry for any typos, English isn't my first language hehe.

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This is so sweet! Such a beautiful piece

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I genuinely feel like this is written by me in four years time. I’ve met my now best friends two semesters ago on my first day at uni in my first ever lecture, saw her and decided that we’re friends. Funnily enough her name is Sophia with a ph and we too are a dark haired and light haired duo.

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the most thoughtful, beautiful ode to best-friendship. immediately sent this to my best friend—thank you so much for this

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I love this piece! I also have a Sophia and I also am going to text her now.

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Praying I meet a forever friend at law school ori in a few weeks 🤞🏽

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