as a huge star wars fan myself, i know what you're talking about. the fandom manace is an absolute mood killer when it comes to anything that isn't their favourites. i loved this piece and how open you were about your experience. (although i did not enjoy the acolyte but that's just my taste)

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I love this! Every single sentence rang true; I found myself relating quite a lot to this brilliant piece. I actually think it’s super admirable and heroic that you are a big Star Wars fan fighting against the dark side (aka the Fandom Menace.) Regardless SW, I have been mansplained, condescend to, patronized by so many old white male SW guys that my 1st instinct is to not comment (not that you’re like that in any way, shape or form. I’ve just been yelled at by so many dudes about Star Wars that my go-to is to say nothing.) I am sorry for what you had to experience with these bullies; you’re absolutely right that they are crossing a big red line with the threats. Also it’s kinda bizarre to me that they get so worked up about a movie?? I mean, I love cinema too and I adore Star Wars, but never in my wildest imagination would I start fighting ppl tooth and nail over a movie yk? The sci fi traditionalist guys have some big problems; it’s a relief to hear that I am not alone in dealing with this (again, I didn’t get the level of vitriol and violence that you had to cope with. But I do know what you mean about these guys gatekeeping the SW series and trying to chase the girls out of the community. You’re superhuman for your courage and resilience. Beautiful, brilliant writing. I learned a lot about the politics of these fandoms. Cheers to battling against the dark side. The force is with the people’s princess. Your queen’s crown is well deserved and rests in its rightful place!

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i’ve been reading everything i need i get from you by kaitlyn tiffany and she discusses how woman (/teenage girls) have always been present in fandom culture, even when the internet and fandoms in general were typically male dominated spaces. this essay reminded me a lot of that book, although her book focuses more specifically on the one direction fandom so it’s nice to get a perspective from inside a more male-dominated online space!!

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this was such a fun read! I just admitted on Amanda's post that I shamefully haven't read Gatsby and now I have to admit that I have never watched any Star Wars property (as this point I want to see how long I can go), but I really loved reading all of your thoughts on this fandom.

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so excited for the writing challenge!

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Loved this! As a Star Wars super fan since the age of 8, this resonated with me ❤️ thank you for sharing

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The reviews you see on Youtube from conservative men on historically male-dominated fandoms that they feel have gone “woke” are borderline insane.

Mostly because those pieces of media have always had what they call “wokeness” baked in. Star Wars. Doctor Who. Etc. Like if inclusion in these franchises upsets you, I don’t think you were paying very close attention.

It’s especially confusing when they get riled up about absolutely lackluster representation. Like when the Loki show had one line about h being bi in it and people (imo rightfully) said it wasn’t real representation, at the same time there were hundreds of yt videos about it with titles like “MARVEL PUSHES GAY AGENDA”.

Tbh, I don’t care if it’s considered “internet speak”, or if they people sending them see it as a joke, death or rape threats aren’t fucking normal. On Musktwitter I guess there will be no consequences, but these ppl should all have their accs suspended for this.

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just wanted to say i loved this essay so much and it truly was like you wrote this after reading my mind. i also fell in love with star wars at 15, love the animated shows the best (not to be dramatic, but i'm gonna be dramatic, ahsoka tano changed my life) and i also experienced vile vitriol on star wars twitter from grown ass men who somehow got emasculated by women/queer people sharing their interests. i still vividly recall my first hate comment and you're much braver than i am, it absolutely shook me 😭 fandom spaces have always been, at least to me, about sharing joy and seeing people (men) froth at the mouth at such an idea was so disheartening. this was such a wonderful read, thank you for sharing!!

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mama a very strong fangirl behind YOU 💜

Essays like this one make me feel so proud of you, even more than i already am. You’re a needed presence everywhere, even in star wars fandom twitter.

As a film bro woman myself, I’ve never related more to something, the lore is so deep that i once went on a date with a guy that followed me on letterboxd and commented something about me not having enough knowledge about Christopher Nolan’s filmography to even understand what the said movie meant to ‘the community’. I definitely avoided film bros after that one but i learned that one thing i should never avoid is speaking my mind and having opinions on content that is made *for everyone*. Again, we will not be silenced! Especially by men who think we’re invading their sacred space by demanding more inclusivity. You’re suuuuuch a star. I love you. I’m so lucky to call you my best friend!

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Fellow Anakin Skywalker acolyte!! My first memory of Star Wars is my dad taking me to see "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron" and while we waited for the movie we slipped in to see the last half of Star Wars Ep. 2. I dearly love Star Wars, never really did SM for it just stuck to fanfiction lol, but I've been so frustrated by Disney's absolute abandonment of its POC stars, especially John Boyega. I fondly remember when he made that video exposing his hater comments, full handles, and so many people deactivated after that. And I was disappointed in Mando's season 3 as well, I wonder if we have similar reasons? I got rid of Disney+ before the Acolyte came out but I'm sorry they canceled it. You're making the right decision leaving Twitter alone with it honestly. Those sickos are absolute trash about it, gives the whole Fandom a bad name.

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Hi Sarah! I LOVED this post. I just recently watched the original two trilogies of Star Wars for the first time and LOVED THEM (Anakin Skywalker is not a want but a need) so believe me the 'nerdy' essay had me smiling so wide. I love seeing people love thing I love too. And I get you so much, although I've never been famous on twt or even used it as much (thank God that place is a shithole [respectfully ily queen]), I've been in quite a few male dominated fandom and spaces (GoT, Star Wars, shounen anime, video games, etc) and the shitty comments really never end. If I got a penny for everytime I've gotten told to go back to the kitchen or that I'm ruining blah blah because I'm a woman I'd be a billionaire istg. It's so frustrating that women GENUINELY do get discriminated EVERYWHERE. Like we can't even enjoy the things we enjoy without men...questioning how much we enjoy it like ???. I don't even understand this fake real fan bullshit, even if someone isn't a very deep or big fan of something doesn't mean they ARENT a fan. Like I'd call myself a crazy Harry Potter fan but that doesn't mean my casual Harry Potter watching friends ARENT fans because they don't go above and beyond to understand the magic system, the characters, the world, etc etc. You can like and enjoy things without knowing everything in hyperdetail I'm afraid (someone tell the crazy Star War fans this). Thank you so much for writing this I had so much fun reading and I'm sorry for all you had to go through. I hope your love for Star Wars hasn't been diminished because of these little cunts because honestly they're not worth it. This piece is probably one of my favourites from you, loved it SO much. ♡

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Heyyyy girlll I loved reading this! I am a fellow SW lover. My big obsession was watching edits on Vine 24/7 up until the app shut down. Now they’re mainly on Instagram but they don’t hit the same lol🥲🥲

My friend was/is an editor and also has a huge following, but I haven’t talked with her about if she got any type of hate for the edits she made and posted. I know people can be passionate about those especially with character ships and stuff like that. I’m gonna ask her about that experience (and also share this post with her❤️).

That aside, I’m sorry to hear about all the bullshit you’ve gone through while following your passion. It’s actually insane what people are willing to say when they’re hiding behind their little screens. It’s safe to say that most of them wouldn’t dare say a thing to you in person. Regardless of what people’s beliefs are, it takes a coward to be so rude on the internet and I guess that’s what you have to hold above them. They’re broken, selfish, probably lonely, bored, assholes that have nothing better to do than attack people they don’t know. We should feel pity for them really. Their lives must suck.

Honestly, I wasn’t interested in The Acolyte, but that doesn’t make me interested in raining all over your parade. I’m happy you’ve found something you enjoy so much. So be it! And keep loving it! 🤩🤩

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