Jul 9Liked by sarah cucchiara

I’ve always been fascinated by love island but never actually watched it so I lovvvvved this analysis and explanation (I always thought casa amor was a designated place couples go off to to have sex lol very wrong)

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Jul 8Liked by sarah cucchiara

this was a very fun read and analysis—also the title of your post is PERFECT

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thank you so much!! i'm so glad you liked the title, it had multiple iterations before we landed here 🫶😇

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Jul 9Liked by sarah cucchiara

I think titles are your strength tbh, whenever I see a notif about a new post of yours I IMMEDIATELY go and read

loved this observation btw: "there is a limit to when our omnipotence must end: when an episode ends"…I think it's so easy to dehumanize reality TV participants to the point where they are JUST characters, just people whose foibles are meant as entertainment, and therefore any level of surveillance or manufactured drama is useful (because it generates more content)…sometimes I step away from it all and realize how gross dating shows can be! especially the way they exploit very sympathetic feelings of jealousy and insecurity

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AW THANK YOU!!! i completely agree with your point of reality TV exploiting jealousy and insecurity, it's become so evident in the producer edits, the pitting women against women, etc.

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this is such a great analysis and perspective on love island. i’m watching for the first time this year (the uk season) and i never really realized how genuinely horrifying it is as a concept when you lay it all out like that

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Jul 9Liked by sarah cucchiara

So interesting! I started feeling weird about the show when I looked Rob up on insta and he had all these hateful comments on his posts. I’m not his biggest fan but I would never go attack and yell mean things at him irl. That’s the kinda shit that reality tv stars literally kill themselves over. But people forget they’re regular people in a discreetly high pressure situation. Made me take a beat and reassess my obsession

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YES literally!! i am no fan of rob's (even though i think he's so hot 😭) but the comments are a bit crazy, especially for a franchise that has had multiple suicides linked to it in the past. it's definitely a fine line between criticizing someone's actions and attacking their character and it needs to become more defined

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Jul 9Liked by sarah cucchiara

i’m so obsessed with your writing

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this comment made my day!! thank you so much katie 💓🥹🍓🌟

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I LOVE this analysis so so much. Thank you for sharing!!

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Jul 8Liked by sarah cucchiara

Watching with my boyfriend and literally said to him, "at least it's this and not the hunger games," when he commented on how insane reality tv is and how we both find it so gripping but also hate that we are so gripped by it! Such a fascinating form of media

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Jul 8Liked by sarah cucchiara

YESSSSS!!!!! This was SO MUCH FUN. The best part of my week is reading people’s princess for real!!! LOVED THIS ONE. 🫶🏻✨🩷💌 brilliant amazing show stopping as always 🤞🏻 obsessed!

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STOPPPP i love you tons!! i'm so grateful for our undying substack bond 💓🧚‍♀️🍧

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Jul 8Liked by sarah cucchiara

say panopticon three times fast

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loved this! i actually read it during the love island ad break (which was far better than scrolling through the love island tweets) 🩷

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this is convincing me to watch this show

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