welcome to my world

i like to think that being a people’s princess is less of a title and more of a mindset. it means whatever you like.

this is a place for me to share my thoughts and feelings, my writing, and just feel the most myself.

a little about me: i’m 23, living between new jersey and washington, d.c., i love fruit, vintage fashion, cultural commentary, and endless piles of books and movies.

i have a lot of emotions and thoughts and so much love that i put into my writing and people’s princess is just a virtual diary where all of it comes out.

i hope you enjoy your time here and i’m so happy to welcome you in.

with love,

sarah 💌


to get to know me more here are some other places you can find me and learn my deepest secrets through my favorite media:





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a digital archive of essays, critiques, personal anecdotes, and diary entries <3


writer who feels too much and talks about it too little